Happy Birthday to My Squeaky Brown Eyes!
Three years ago today you popped out with a squeak and the name has stuck every since! Your big grin and your infectious laugh make me smile everyday! I love you!
The girls helped decorate the cupcakes and then helped clean up all the sprinkles by eating them off the table!Found sprinkles in her favorite color-orange!
She was very excited to have special napkins! She pointed out that there was orange on them!
Eating sprinkles off the table with the help of her sister!
This little boy was trying to eat a cupcake before the appointed time!
Big sister was helping open presents per Squeak’s request!
The favorite present was Michelangelo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! (This is all big brother’s influence)
I love you Squeaky Brown Eyes!
If you have a special occasion that you want documented in a storytelling manner (and that has you in the pictures with your kids) you can contact me here now!